Monday, February 23, 2009

How to lose weight easily and without too hardwork? -

well first dont eat much .i mean dont eat a fast food eat a vegetables or drink milk easlly way .keep with it then (inshallah) you well lose weight

well, first of all is depend on individual metabolism. By understanding how your metabolism work, you can adjust which food to eat and with one you should hold back.veggies is always a good source of diet, but in order to lose weight one must eat less and exercise more to burn those calories. It is something that is very challenging that why some people buy pills over the counter to loss weight. And some time pill are just a placebo effect which it just fooling one mind to thing that their are loss weight. If you really want to loss weight, set up a plan, which food to eat, how minute to exercise a day. In the long run it will become very effective. It does take a lot of commitment and believe which it something you should start out first.

don t be lazy! it takes hard work and determination to lose weight and stay fit. you have to start small, be consistant, then work your way up to harder workouts. for example, start with walking, then start hiking, then start jogging, then start running or cycling. push yourself and you will see results.

It s a known fact that muscle weighs way more than fat, so try not to munch out on all the snacks. It s best to keep a healthy diet, because healthy foods affect muscle development. Proteins is a main recommendation for someone who wants to gain muscles (meats, beans, etc.), but here s a site I found as well with many exercises and ways of gaining muscles in certain areas:Forming a six-pack isn t easy, and there s more things you can do besides crunches. There s also situps, as well as many other exercises. I found a lot of them in this site, which is easy to use:��This is a great site that will show you many exercises, depending on the body part you wanna improve. the exercises are arranged by body part, that or you can do specific searches.hope this site helps you :)

Just eat what you want in moderation, a little bit of this and that, and walk, everyone is so considered with there weight, am I to fat or am I to thin been there done it, I am happy the way I am and every one else should fell the same way as long as you are healthy and happy life is to short

Diet change.. and at least moving lol.. weight loss can be accomplished through diet its sculpting your body and muscle building that hard so yeah try a diet change for 2 weeks and cut out refined sugars soda, ect.. diary.. and find a diet plan that benefits you. and that should be the only hard work involved.. as far as not pertaining to physical labor lol

trust me on this one... do anything you want, eat anything you want (as long as its in very very small quantities; like a brownie would serve as a whole day) and dont sleep. i did this as a punishment for myself but i lost like 20 pounds.

Find a hobby where you can be active. Drink a lot of water.Dieting usually doesn t work and is very hard work. Finding a fun activity you can do with friends does.

If you want to get the weight off, ur gonna have to work hard! go for a 20-60 min run everyday, or an hour walk, eat healthily, and maybe join a gym. good luck!

Go on a diet - Dont eat too much junk food and drink sodaswitch to water (i drink water but if i want flavor i drink vitamin water or teapom!!)

Eat healthy food. You could also try taking a weight loss medication, although they arent always guaranteed to work.

Hydroxycut along with low carb, high protein diet and some working out. Lost around 22 pounds my first month. Around 10-15 monthly since.

Diet. Eat foods like veggies and stick away from carbs. Losing weight is never easy unfortunately.

Eat very that u loose weight easily without doing too hardwork........................

heres one tats easy for ucut down on eating and walk every day about 30-60 min u should lose waight

If that were possible we d all be skinny!

Wouldn t that be nice.

play wii........

dont eat.

billy boot camp