Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to lose weight but not lose muscle? -

im 5 10 and weigh about 250lbs i mean i am big but dont look like it i just have brod shoulders so i just look stalky and im tryin to lose wieght but afriad that i will lose the muscle i have in the process of sliming down any suggestions how i can lose about 30 pounds but not lose as much muscle mass i just want to slim down you know have a beach body

What will help you lose the weight is eating healthily and doing cardio like running. To help tone your body and keep muscle then you ll have to lift weights and do toning exercises.It s a balance.

There are two sides to this. You need to reduce your calorie intake but still eat healthy food. If is very important that you eat balanced meals. Eat from all the food groups. Reduce fat especially animal fat and sugar. You don t need to lose any muscle and should not. Do cardio exercises to assist in weight loss and do resistance training to tone muscle. E-mail me if you want to know how.

Some cardio.You may think you shouldn t do cardio exercise if you re trying to gain muscle. But, cardio isn t just for weight loss. It also helps condition the heart and lungs and promotes health and well-being. If your goal is to gain muscle, you won t need tons of cardio. But, doing at least three 20-minute sessions a week won t hurt your goals and will help you reap the benefits of cardio without burning too many calories.

eat better and continue workin out. muscle weighs much more than fat so dontbe decieved by the scale if its only a couple lbs here and there. youll be buff

exercise daily maybe by walking into the gym or a morning walk....avoid eating oily foodstufs and consume healthy foods ........try it...

Well, there s a variety of ways you can get it done. If you re just concerned about muscles then all you really have to do is maintain a sensible diet and stick with the weight training. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body burns up all on its own.

eat smaller more healthy meals every 3 hours. one of those meals should be a protein shake. a multi-vitamin in the morning.plus exercise and working out. sounds simple, but you know... consistency.

1)No or low Carb. Diet 2)Hot drink After a oily meal3)at least 1/2 hrs run4)Small amout of food more often5)Don t stay hungry 6)Water instead of coke or juice7)Enjoy your food when you eat 8)Red wine 1 glass every night