Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to lose weight? especially in the thigh?!? -

How do i get rid of my huge Thighs ?

For thighs, go walking about a mile everyday! In a few weeks, you ll have awesome legs. I had the same problem too. So believe me, it works.BUT you need to watch what you eat too! Try eating only 1200-1600 a day. Make sure no less.Good luck!

Well, if it helps... blame your mother. Where your body deposits fat is a strictly genetic thing... its why you see some with big bellys, some with fat butts, some with fat thighs, some with saddlebags... etc.... and I know you are not looking for this answer, but you cannot spot lose fat.So, the answer is simple. To lose weight you need discipline... if you dont have discipline you may need some help pharmaceutically... like an appetite suppressant like Hoodia. Then, set yourself up to succeed and get rid of the crap foods from your house (crackers, cookies, chips, candy)... have to go. Then work out early in the day. Do little things like park further away in parking lots... .take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.Then... do yourself a favor, purchase a heart rate monitor. Find your target aerobic zone and make sure your workouts... whether you are walking, weights, aerobics, swimming,etc... you can actually see how hard you are working, if you are working hard enough... and in most cases... how many calories you are burning...On top of that... do different things. Go hiking someplace new one day, lift weights the next, try rollerblading one day, then do the elliptical trainer the next.... go to an aerobics class one day, then go swimming the next. Keeping things new keeps your mind away from the constant gym dread and apathy. I see it every day... people doing the same machines, the same exercises for the same time every single day, and they never change... ever. You dont want to be that person.Create a routine for yourself, establish some goals, and keep asking people questions. The more you read, learn, and find out will provide you will plenty of tools to help you get what you want done.Best of luck.

Your body loses weight proportionately.So you have to workout your whole body to lose it in your thighs.

You can t target areas to lose fat like you can target areas to grow muscle. Riding a bike for hours might tone those muscles (might make em look bigger actually) but they re not going to lose any local fat. Your body loses fat and cellulose on an organismal scale... IE, it loses it equally from all areas.Count your daily calories over the next 3 days. Eat like you would normally (or, at least count the calories you would normally eat if you start the diet tomorrow!) and find your average intake of calories. Count everything, don t cheat.Take this value, and subtract 300 from it. Eat this many calories a day. Even without excercise, you ll lose about 75 pounds a week. Subtract 500 if you want to lose more overall weight too.Supplimenting it with excercise, like weight lifting, or running has the potential to double this weight loss. Supplimenting it with light excercise like walking will increase weight loss by 20%-30%.There s no magic way to lose 35lbs incredibly fast. Any non-surgical weightloss greater than 15lbs in 90 days (for a reasonably normal-weight person...) is unhealthy and will totally rebound when you quit dieting.Eating less than 1400 calories for a male is very bad, any less than 1200 calories for a female is equally bad. Be sure to take lots of protein and use the muscles you want to keep, muscle is lost before fat. We ve evolved this tendency. Good luck.

Try lunges -- those work AMAZINGLY! I used to be a lot bigger than I am now, and enrolled in aerobics class at my community college, our teacher was big on lunges and said they worked our thighs, they worked so well! It was great. I was sore afterward, but it sure was worth it.

if you really want to lose your weight, don t worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts for thighs ,drink fresh jucies.if you want more details view the website

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