Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to lose weight fast? -

I am about to get married in two months. I m 5 3 tall and weigh 61 kgs. Can anyone advise me on how to lose a couple of kgs fast??? This is an emegency!!

diet exercise is a good solution, but it takes time. you really want a sure fire way to lose some pounds? wake up every morning at 5:30 am. jog for 30 minutes, run for 30 minutes. play basketball or tennis. eat protien packed breakfast. eat white chicken meat for lunch. (it doesn t have to be chicken all the time, try beef, pork, but MEAT only) then fruits at night. drink tea before going to sleep. Do this everyday and boy, you ll look good in that wedding. good luck.

Get the help you are looking from - Get Fast weight loss, weight loss tips, weight loss stories, weight loss help and the motivation you require to lose weight. Right now I have an aim to lose 40 pounds... which motivated me research more easy, and healthy weight loss methods which I report on my fast weight loss site . I think the key to get success in life is to keep on learning good things from where ever you get.

EMERGENCY !!!! Here is your answer - I have discovered something that changed my life and my health. It s not a diet plan because you don t skip meals , you can still eat normal foods. This plan is simply added to your current daily routine . I have lost 17 pounds and 2 in my waist in 21 days without skipping meals and without exercise. This really works and I have people in the church I Pastor along with myself that can testify to this. Go now and change your life today ... God bless and feel free to e-mail me from the website - Glad that my life and health has changed ~ Pastor J

Try eating on a child s plate. DO NOT Drink while you eating . wait until your through. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and walk.

cut down on sugar intake. Eat 5 small meals a day. Don t eat past 6PM. Walk alot or do alot of cardio or any kind of exercise that will get your heart rate up. But stay busy and maybe work a circuit routine in a Gym. Go on line they have alot of different things you can do. Congratulations to you on the wedding and good luck

read tips on weight loss and exercise programs to help you better on this site

You can lose weight fast on a good exercise regime.Two months is actually plenty of time.Even if you do it very slowly, at the very least you will lose about 4kg. That is 1lb a week (easy peasy). Most people aim for (and manage, if not more) 5lbs a week. (10 kg by your wedding)Or, there are these things called Universal Contour Body Wraps. Now, there are all kinds of wraps but these are special, it must be named this. All the others only make you lose water. They are about $100 for one, and you are GUARANTEED to lose 7inches per wrap, or you get another one free, or a refund. But you can lose a ridiculous amount this way. I am pretty slim but I got ONE and lost 15inches. You can get a set with which it is possible to got down A WHOLE DRESS SIZE. Just through these wraps. They detoxify you and tone your skin, pushing the layers together. In the days following though, you must follow a healthy diet and drink plenty of water to flush out the crap (and not put it back in!) Hopefully you will be eating that way anyway. Your new measurement is guaranteed for 30 days after the wrap as long as you don t put on actual weight or eat highly toxic things which you will get a list of (just the obvious, like caffeine or alcohol)These wraps only make you lose inches though, not actual fat. But they are also good for the skin. Imo, this might be the best option if you ve not achieved your weight loss goals and it is a true emergency to try and slim down at the last minute.Depending on if you have the money you can hire a fitness trainer to give you a kick-start on your weight loss. They will teach you stuff, the right form, reps, what to eat, when to eat etc. and when you leave you still have all the knowledge and can continue it on your own. You might need as few as 3 sessions. So maybe $150? I m not sure how good my conversion is or what the rates are near you.Good luck.You need to do cardio, that is the key. But don t over-do it either, be sure to have a few days off or with less intensity.DO NOT i repeat DO NOT do any kind of diet!! Only healthy eating. (no/limit red meat, white bread, sugar, sodas, full-fat dairy, fried food etc, you ll know what you need to eat and avoid)I m saying this because if you diet you will likely put on the weight, if not more, or PLATEAU, right before your wedding, which is no good!! Opposite of what you want really.Congratulations too !! xx

stop eating!!!!!

Try the good supplements that are proven and guaranteed to work along with exercise. For weight loss supplements try:

NO CAKES, CHOCOLATES, ICE CREAMS etc.Lots of water min. 2 litres p/day to wash out fat and toxinsGreen Salads!!!!! Watch what you eat!Skip evening mealExercise, eg. fast walking/jogging, sex, aerobics everyday

Try a low carb diet or cut down your sugar intake