Sunday, April 19, 2009

How to lose weight quicker? .... burn of an extra 500calories, or not eat them in the first place? -

Simply don t eat them in the first place! Prevention as they say, is better than a cure!As for the rest, there is only one way to lose weight- diet and exercise. You really can t substitute it.

BURN THEM OFF! WHen you start exercising, you gain weight (because muslce is heavier than fat) don t look at the scale! If you work out 45 minutes 5 days a week and eat a moderately healthy diet, you ll notice that youre weight is going down (after a few weeks) have to think of it as a lifestyle, not a dietMy Diet:Run everyday. I used to hate running, but I do it everyday. Things to help: run with a friend, play tag with a bunch of people in your neighborhood, run different routes (beach, your neighborhood, trails, etc.). THe hard part about running is it is definitely not fun but once you do it for about 2 or 3 weeks (5-6 days a week/ 45 minutes a day) you start getting in shape, and you don t get tired or out of breath. In fact, you ll be surprised when you FEEL like running or you get cranky when you don t. It s called a runner s high. When you exercise you release chemicals called endorphins which make you happy. Another part of losing fat is eating healthy, but eating enough food! If you don t eat enough, your body goes into starvation mode and your body holds onto as much fat as it can. So if youre hungry, eat!!!And don t weigh yourself. When you first start exercising (running or whatever), you gain weight because you re gaining muscle. So judge how you re doing by how your clothes fit. Numbers don t mean anything! And remember it takes about 2 weeks to see a difference. You ll get discouraged because you won t see results right away, but trust me, do you ever see overweight runners?If you do decide to start running, buy mase (protective spray against kidnappers, and such) and carry it with you! I still do, and I m 20.some health food is chicken, fish, steak, veggies, fruits, dairy, oatmeal, and go for low-fat and/or low-carb items.for a sweet tooth: low fat vanilla frozen yogurt (add your own toppings); 60 calorie chocolate jello pudding (try different flavors); cool whip (Fat free)...

Just take it one day at a time. After the 1st day when you realise you ve lost even 1 pound, you re going to feel so good. Don t look at it like...Oh no i ve got to lose 10 pounds in a week. Just aim to lose a little each day. Do some aerobic exercise in your living room for 20-30 mins daily. Eat salads as main meals with baked potato, or 2 slices of wholemeal bread or a wholemeal roll. Snack on fruits, nuts, seeds. Drink 4-6 glasses of water per day and you should lose that 10 lbs in 7 days. click here for more info.

Best option to sustain weight loss is diet PLUS exercise.

Would you rather run five miles or not eat a piece of cake?Every day?