Saturday, May 23, 2009

Whats the best way to lose weight the healthy way? -

i excercise occasionally, i kinda eat alot, but i skate outside a lot sometimes i barely eat any suggestions on how to lose weight? ill try...

Breakfast: Yogurt.Lunch: Salad.Dinner: Chicken with veg.Snacks: Fruit.Only drink water and run for 30 minutes a day. With this you will lose the weight quickly but heathily.Hope i could help ?

You need to have very balanced meals. You shouldn t just eat a lot to get nutrition. You have to make sure each of your meals have vitamins, nutrients, protein, carbs, fiber, etc. Try to stay away from all sugary drinks and extremely sugary foods. Stick with water =D Exercise... Running or swimming are simply the best work-outs. Cardio is most important and it s the only way of exercise that actually burns fat. All crunches that you do are only working your abdominal muscles and not burning anything. It s good to do that too, though! Make sure you tone your muscles but do cardio more than anything. Start out slow. Run maybe half a mile, but if you can do more then do more. Start out there and do that for a week or two. Then move on to a mile. Keep building from there. Try to do a simple walk after each meal. After breakfast try to walk outside for 10 minutes. After lunch you shouldn t because that will probably be the time of your daily workout of cardio and muscle toning. After dinner, a nice walk outside would be nice in the cool night air. Consistency is key!! Make sure you stick with what you say! Everything is easier said than done for sure. If you start out doing this daily, make sure you keep it that way! Don t skip because you re lazy. If you do it every other day then that s okay too as long as it s the same each time! Good luck :]

You know it is really no more complicated than this... Eat as close to un-messed with food as possible (in other words... the less additives, the closer to raw, the fewer additives the better) and exercise at least five days a week. You do that... Unless you have some medical condition affecting your ability to lose will lose weight.

Join a support group on line. There is a great one at the website I posted in sources. There you can get diet tips, meal planning and lots of tasty recipes to try that won t defeat the diet even though they are sweets .Also best thing is that you ll have a support group that will work with you and together you ALL will reach goals and develop healthier lifestyles.Exercises available also.

i have lost over 65 pounds in 6 months and it has brought allot of changes to my life!!i achieved all this without any exercise... due to my busy lifestyle ...i am a medical student and i have so much to study... and i really do not find much spare time to exercise!!!my self esteem has become much higher ever since i ve started loosing weight and people look at me as a person of courage and determination since i have made this change in my life... and besides all.... i feel really good both mentally and physically...i use to get tired very quickly and had high blood pressure as well.... but now i am very healthy and i really have a very good lifestyle!! and i am proud of it!!a good technique to loose weight without exercise from which i ve lost over 65 pounds!!!!when u eat.... chew the food for so long so that the food becomes a fine pulp to the extent that it would get swallowed on its own......this method helps you eat the right amount of food ur body requires...and also its very healthy for ur digestive system.......and makes ur digestive system absorb all the essential nutrients from ur body....and for breakfast... try to have non sweetened low fat yogurt.... that also helps along with the other eating regime... when u eat this way... sometimes it may feel like ur mouth hurting or u may forget to chew more.... but never give up even if u may forget for once.....believe me or not!! this really helps!!!!

listen to the top contributer above me, its a good way to lose fat, no sugar, no high carbs, and 20 min of exercise eeer day
