Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to lose weight, help me? -

i am 16 year old female and weigh 11 stone. I do exercise dvds and dance but cant seem to get slimer. my fat is mainly around my belly.i also eat lots of fruit and veg. but cant seem to lose weight.please help me. also what diet pillls are not to expensive and work.?

Simple as this your body needs about 1,200 to 2,000 calories aday to stay at the same weight. If you consume more than this.. then your body will store it as fat... if you eat less than this then you lose weight.. but if you starve yourself your body will store most of the food you take as fat.. and you dont want that... so dont starve yourself, ... so there are two ways you can do this either eat your daily intake of calories (1,500 to 2,000) and exercise, and the exercise will burn away the calories and so you lose weight... or you can eat just under the 1, 500 calories a day, and you will lose weight.... so the best thing to do is eat healthy food put do not consume more than 1,300 calories... and do a little exercise daily for about fifteen minutes each day.. this will make you lose the weight quickly.. i hope this helps ..

I exercise for years and still had a flabby tum, the only thing that worked for me was long slow running on a weekly basis, also long cycle rides.I would look carefully at what you eat,I found by cutting right down on starchy food like bread, potatoes,rice.I trade these type of foods for unprocessed foods like brown rice, pearl barley.Quinola.Takes a while to adjust your diet,and your exercise routine.I would wonder whether the Dance DVD S are high intensity work out s.I found lower internsity ,but for a long duration more effective a shifting flab.Long duration is from about 1hr 45 mins +.At about 60-75% effort.I thing taking pills is not half as much fun, if you enjoy dancing I d attend a dance weekender, Salsa is very good for keeping those hips trim.

HiI see that you are a little young and thats ok, but remember you don t want to put to much stress on your body trying to lose weight. The key is to cut back on your calories you can visit mega-fat-loss.com for more information on teens fat loss, womens fat loss, calorie counting and more.....

When it comes to stomach fat the best option is to do ab excercises as for it works that particular area. A well balanced diet (Remember meat is still healthy) and even 10 minutes a day of working on your abdominal area or any other that need improvement.