Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How can I lose alot of weight before High School starts back? -

High School is starting back and its time for a change. I want to be a new me and not the old person i was. I m overweight a little and it bothers me. I m just tired of it and i don t no how to lose weight. I ve watched what I eat but it just dont seem to work and i can t go to a gym. What can I do????

You can... drink more water, excercise more, eat more fruits and veggies, eat less carbs, fried food, meat, and junk food, eat less at night, and having some portion control. That is the secret. =)


Hi! As a mom I don t have the time I would like to work out and I wanted to lose about 20 pounds myself. I found a way and it is so easy and effective I couldn t believe it. I have lost 15 pounds and 21 inches in about 9 weeks of being on the program I am on. I am not hungry, which is the #1 reason that most diets fail, and I feel fantastic all the time. I have never felt healthier or better in my entire life! If you are serious about losing any amount of weight, whether it be a little or a lot, I can help you out! This is my job and it is what I love to do. Helping people lose the weight they desire and keep it off is a huge success to me and if I can help anyone I will. I have some free samples of some wonderful, all natural, herbal products that can get you or anyone to the desired weight or health that they want to acheive. All you have to do is check out this website or shoot me an e-mail and I can give you more info if you would like. No matter what you decide I wish you the best of luck! http://www.KSUltimateNutririon.com

try walking

I hate my body too! but you always have to look at the bright side of things. I have a problem with a little pouch on my stomch, it s like a little fact but ym freind told me a seceret! first you do the butterfly move where you connet your feet while sitting up, then you lean back and do curl ups. it works so much and it will help!

Walk, walk, walk !!! Push back the plate. Accept lesser portions. Look forward to certain traets if you have reached a goal. I do not mean food. Food should not be a reward. Ask your family doc.

liquid diet.any liquid. No special shakes or anything. Just liquids. And that includes soup. That doesn t mean you can stick doughnuts in the blender. Anything that was a liquid when purchased at the store. I lost 10lbs. in 2 weeks!

walk everywhere. walk every day a long time ..walk as fast as you can . when you cannot speak that s to fast..

Get your mom to take you to a Weight Watchers meeting.Maybe you could join. They help even teenagers to lose weight the right way. You will learn how to eat healthy and be able to maintain a healthy weight.

You dont need to join a gym to get excersise! If you have a dog, you can walk him/her around your neighborhood. Or you can get a walking partner or go solo with some good music. You can also rollarblade, basketball, baseball- whatever you re into! Try to avoid fried foods and concentrated sweets (such as candy). Good luck!

walk? run? and cut calories by 500 a day. Keep a food diary. No junk food, no soda no sugar.Drink water water water.

i know how you feel!exercise in your home, go jogging around your neighborhood, jumprope, do crunches or v-sits on commercials while your watching tv. go swimming, dance for a half hour.there a lots of things you can do to exercise w/o going to the gym. be creative.good luck!

i m in your position too! i m gonna say NO to all candies from now on. i m sick of being overweight. oh and try walking/jogging outdoors. jump-rope is fun too. sit-ups make harder abs. well, hope i helped!

find daily calorie intake calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours - it optimizes your metabolism)5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day8 glasses of waterhave complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energyhave protein (lean meat, legumes etc) for dinner - repairs musclecardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min (ideally 45min because the first 20-30min body burns carbs and only then starts burning fat), light weight training (more muscle=faster metabolism)dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, pasta etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

forms of exercise, will help you a lot. find a regular rutine, how about a 2 mile walk each day, or start with every other day. do you like to ride bike? take your bicycle out for a 3-5 mile ride at least 3 times a week. maybe a friend or family member will go with, or neighbor. pump up those tires a lot. have you got any hand weights suggest about 8 pounds, one for each ahnd, and some sit ups, try 50 a day for 2 weeks, mark this off the calendar, what you do each day. After 2 weeks up it to 75-100 sit - ups. The new you will be more physically fit by the time school comes around, and you will be a more competitive person in school with more looks your way will bet. Dont over due the weight losses though, maybe a goal of no more than 5-8 pounds a month at tops. You still in a growing body, but exercising will stretch you out more as far as growing up not out. Do you have a favorite sport? maybe softball leagues, or bowling? Have fun, these are some good ways to have fun and still loose, weight.

Danielle is right. You will need to create a caloric deficit by reducing your intake of calories and only eating nutritional calories such as lean meats or other protein and lots of fruit and veggies. No fried foods, sugary foods or empty calories (ie., chips, candy, etc.). The fastest way to go would be to go low carb as well. Carbs cause your body to retain more water and gives you a bloated look. We know bloated well, right girls?You will also have to rev up your workout by adding cardio. That will help you burn fat and show off your newly sculpted physique. Find an activity that is fun. I like dancing and Hip Hop Abs has been a lot of fun. I don t even realize I m working out.

I m actually trying to do the exact same thing. I want to lose 10-15 pounds! So i m eating healthy, mostly vegetables and low calorie foods, but most of all their healthy foods, no junk. And i exercise for about 50 minutes a day....I m really hoping i can lose the weight in time ! Goodluck, i hope this helped you! :)

have you ever seen the cross country/distance track girls at your school? Nice bodies huh? you should try to take up jogging/running. Start slow and keep at it. Look online for a couch to 5K program that will show you the correct way to do it without getting injured that will keep you interested and before you know it you will be smaller and may have picked up a new sport. I can tell you right now, I ran cross country and track in high school and college and it was great. THe meets were fun and challenging( I just liked to win) but in college if was great too. Hot guys on the men s team too. Or try another challenge. Sign up for a triathalon at the end of the summer and train for it all summer.