Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Tips On how to lose weight fast.? -

I want to lose weight fast please help .. im 5 ft 4 142 pounds and want to be 120 by april please help...any tips on exercises or websites with tips on calories please help... I need to lose this weight for a vacation me and my husband are taking in may...any help would be apprecited.. thanks

Exercise - Drink plenty of WATER - Eat half of what you normally eat.

Eat healthyLimit your junk food ( you may have some)Limit your fat in greasy foodsGo out for a run or bike ride each day (1 or 3 should do)Hopes this helps.

omg you have asked this before I think or someone did. Um you should talk to your doctor b/c he can tell you which diets will make you lose water weight fat muscle and such and he can find one right for your age and lifestyle. xoxo Jeana

Well, there are unhealthy ways to lose weight quickly, but trust me...don t do them. Its not healthy. If you really wanted to you could feasibly get down to 132-130 by beginning of April. If you are concerned about looking good in a bikini, then more importantly is not the number on the scales, but whether you are toned or not. Either way, I suggest looking at your diet, look at Weight Watchers, as losing weight is like 60-70% what you eat. Then go to to get some insight and inspiration from women who have lost 100s of pounds by working out and dieting. It shows exactly what their workout was and what their diet was, step by step. good luck!

It s not healthy to lose weight that fast. If you drastically change your diet to lost the weight, it will come back as soon as you resume regular eating habits.If you start eating better, being more active, and taking care of yourself, you ll look better. Don t shoot for a weight loss goal, try for measurements instead. If you re exercising and gaining some muscle, your weight won t seem to go down very fast because muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue.Eat sensible, healthy meals. When you buy groceries, always check food lables. Try to stay under 10 grams each of sugar and fat, and get at least 3 grams each of protein and fiber.Find an exercise or video you enjoy doing, so that you don t give up.There is no secret or magic to weight loss. You just need to take good care of yourself. When you start to get more toned, you ll look better even if you don t lose all the weight. If you re 5 4 , you ll still look really good at 120-130, so don t beat yourself up if you haven t lost all the weight you wanted to by April. Do it the healthy way, and establish good habits that ll stay with you for the rest of your life!

Any weight that is lost fast usually comes back just as fast. Just get onto a sensible diet and exercise routine and you will lose the weight. By the way, 142 isn t bad at all for your height. Your still a good weight, 120 might be a little too thin. Good luck whatever you choose to do.