Saturday, December 16, 2017

How successful are commercial weight-loss programs? -

Well..I guess I could be a good person to talk to...have tried many diets...lost on some...but very hard to stay with them....until I found the one I am on doing very well ....have lost 20 pounds in four weeks....they say staying on this you will lose 30 pounds in six weeks and that is totally proving true.I love this program...did a lot of searching to find it...I am older and have a very hard time losing weight...yet I am losing steadily....and it is pretty easy to stay on....I would recommend it to anyone to is well worth the $99 for it...and it can be paid in payments.It is called The Six Week Body Makeover....find it on it includes an exercise program that is 18 minutes twice a week...I haven t even started that yet, but am still losing.Check it out...this one does work!...It teaches you how to eat right...which is just what I wanted to eat more, not less...and you can stay on it

I wouldnt wast my money on anything, like that. They are trying to get your money. I would just diet and workout.

All diets work in the same way. If they restrict calories to a point where you are burning more than you eat, you will lose weight. If the diet does this than it will work, if not you will fail. Whether or not a diet is healthy is separate from whether or not it will work. If you severely restrict calories to under 1200 per day, you will lose weight but going this route is very unhealthy so be careful when reading about these diets. Also beware of diets that limit you to one food. Even if you are taking in a good amount of calories, you won t be able to get all the vitamins, nutrients, fat, carbohydrates or protein from just one type of food.Beginners Guide to Dieting -��